Family Photos in Morgan Hill

Family Photos in Morgan Hill | Deanna

Many of my portrait sessions take place in the San Jose area; however, I know of one really great location for family photos in Morgan Hill. Anderson Lake Park has a lot of things that make for a great location. Here are a few reasons why this and any other location makes for good portraits.

Plenty of Shade Makes For Good Portraits

One of the main factors that determine a great location for portraits is whether or not there is shade for the majority of the day. There are certain locations where there is no shade at all; and this just means that you can only take portraits in the EARLY morning or in the evening. At these times of the day, the lighting is soft and even. If there is shade, you can schedule sessions there at any time of the day.

PRO TIP: Overcast or cloudy days also make for really great portraits. It is a common misconception that you want the sun to be out and bright for portraits. Direct sunlight actually creates very harsh lighting and so when there are clouds that completely block or diffuse some of this harsh lighting, it creates really soft light.

Different Backgrounds and Places to Pose

A good location for portraits will have a bunch of great places to move around and take pictures at. Poses where everyone is just standing in a straight line can be a little boring 🙂 I like locations that have different spots where certain people can stand on, sit on, etc. Anderson Lake Park has picnic benches, fences, downed tree stumps, etc.

family photos in Morgan Hill

Everyone Loves Water!

If a location has water, I think this automatically qualifies it as a great location for photos! A little stream or pond is a really cool outdoor background for your images 🙂

If you are looking to have family photos in Morgan Hill (or any other area), I would love to hear from you! The best way to reach me is through the contact form on my website. Thanks!


address: 634 N Santa Cruz Ave STE 106

Los Gatos, CA 95030

email: [email protected]

phone: 408-290-6556