Three Cake Smash Session Tips

Three Cake Smash Session Tips For First Timers

One of the most popular photography trends is called a “cake smash” session. And it is pretty much exactly what it sounds like 🙂 Around your child’s 1st birthday, you get a cake and take pictures of your child smashing it! It can make for some really fun pictures 🙂 Here are three cake smash session tips for anyone interested in this popular trend!

Schedule The Session At Least One Week Before Their Birthday

One of the things I recommend is to schedule the session about a week before their actual birthday. This can be beneficial if you are planning a party, sending out invitations, or planning to post something on social media. If you are able to coordinate the session a little in advance, you’ll have pictures to post and use on their actual birthday. If you are having a party, you will also have enough time to make a few prints to use for decorations as well.

Make Sure The Session Is Scheduled At A Time When Your Child Is Well Rested And Happy

Another useful tip is to try and schedule the session at a time your child will be at their best. This can be a little hard to predict. But I recommend picking a time a little bit after they wake up from their 1st nap of the day. This will ensure that they are fully charged and ready to go for the session!

Practice With Them Beforehand!

Another really important thing to consider is that most kids are not used to smashing a cake! In fact, for a lot of cake smash sessions, most kids have no idea what to do 🙂 If you are able to have a practice run with them at home, this will make the likelihood of the actual session going well. In my experience, most children are not used to the taste of a sugar-packed cake. Giving them a little taste of this can be an advantage as well 😉

If you are coming up on a celebration of your child’s 1st birthday, I would love to plan a cake smash session! The best way to reach me is through a quick email ([email protected]) or through the contact form on my website. Thanks!


address: 634 N Santa Cruz Ave STE 106

Los Gatos, CA 95030

email: [email protected]

phone: 408-290-6556